Thursday, December 27, 2007

my first christmas!

hi everyone
at 10 weeks I had my first christmas, it was very fun!

Auntie Mei and Uncle Stephen came to visit me on sunday, they brought me a fun 3 stage playpen and I got to see their baby (in her tummy). I can't wait for another playmate!

on christmas eve, dad made this yummy roast pork, with cloves of garlic stuffed in it.
I like the smell of garlic, and enjoy watching daddy slave away in the kitchen.

then I went to grandma and grandpa's and got lots of presents and a christmas tree.
I wore the outfit that uncle Carlos bought me, don't I look handsome?


I visited my cousin Aiden after lunch and snack and afternoon nap, and my aunt winnie and uncle Bobby. He has a loooooooooot of hair. I started getting grumpy so we couldn't really talk shop - but he seems to be very happy starting month 3.
Then we had hot pot for Christmas dinner, how chinesey?

Last night uncle george, auntie helen, auntie cynthia, ON.TV, uncle elliot, cousin Aspen, auntie Su, and uncle Franny came over and they played with me till midnight! I had sooooooooo much fun, pushing buttons on my ABC toy my auntie got me, and I even got to pass out a couple times while being carried. I love attention!


I'm cooing and smiling all the time now, with enough drool to soak up a full tissue. Daddy estimates my weight to be 12.5 pounds, but that's just using his bathroom scale which has a terrible level of precision.

I like dancing to Nelly Furtado, love the smells of the kitchen (which I mentioned before), like to coo and girls and smile to manipulate them into giving me attention (I'm so handsome!), standing and kicking, and waking up Mommy and Daddy at 3 hour intervals.

Please excuse the sloppy grammar in this post, I haven't finished Strunk and White quite yet.

No onward for New Years Debauchery!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Thursday, December 13, 2007

level 2 containment failure

it's like a star trek episode.
me wearing the red shirt.
max sitting in my lap, smiling away as I play Mass Effect.
Mom is taking a shower.
Then I realize...he's been far too quiet, for far too long.

in the words of my favorite amphibians - It's a little too quiet.

I pull max back to see a HUGE brown spot the size of his back on his, well...on his back.

Level 2 containment failure!
(level 1 is when a #1 escapes the side of the diaper, we haven't had those since we switched to 1-2 size diapers. pampers ftw)

Level 2 containment is, well, level 1, but with a number 2.

So I pick him up, grab the tub from the wall and we use the shower hose to fill it. Mommy is on water level patrol - plugging and unplugging the tub to drain it, while I scrub him down.

Then I thoroughly Shout!! the stains, and then woolite them in the hottest water possible.

The green applesauce flushes down the drain and hopefully the stains will be mere memories after the next wash.

I just realized at this point <> that my shirt had been rubbing against him as I was undressing him out of his poopie-sauced covered clothes.

They've been ripped off me and thrown across the room.


Friday, November 30, 2007

yay i hold my head up now

dad's going to have to start posting pictures up on picassa as flickr limits the number of pictures to 200. We'll have pictures up soon!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

GAH Needles!

Needles are teh suck.

today I got stabbed 3 times by this nurse while my dad held me down and mom cowered in the corner.
Ok maybe it wasn't like that...

It was my 2 month checkup and I have to do vaccinations - hep A, staph, some other stuff.  One was oral, the other 3 were the needles.  Poor dad almost cried watching me cry out the pain.  Luckily I bounce back like a trooper, right now I'm snoring on dad's tummy.

Dr. Lee noticed that I cry a lot.  He says it's an indicator that I'm going to be fussy as time goes on.  This is because he's never had a 2 month old baby cry when his clothes were off.  But when dad picked me up and held me on his warm chest, I shut up immediately.  I do like it warm, what's wrong with that?!

He also made some remark about "Max knows how to get what he wants..."

of course I do!  I take after my mom! :P

Dad's going to post some pictures later, and he's been recording some really cute video of me as well.  He'll figure out how to post and link to it.

until next time, ta ta!

Monday, October 29, 2007


I've officially moved on from type NB diapers to size 1.

Mainly my thighs and butt were too big for the old ones.

Still feeding 3 hours a day, with occasional 4 hour naps.

Expecting some solid poops anytime now.

Friday, October 19, 2007

2 month growth spurt

mommy's getting even less sleep now than the first growth spurt.
I'm feeding every couple hours, and leaving these monstrously large diapers. I'm getting bigger, and so is my appetite.
Mommy has a couple plugged ducts we're trying to feed through, daddy's helping her with warm towels.
More pictures of me on flickr!

Hopefully mommy gets sleep soon!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

quite amazing actually.

6 pounds 4.5 ounces = 100.5 ounces

according to Google

and I'm drinking about 4 ounces of milk every feeding.

Which means I'm eating 4% of my total body weight every 2 hours!

That would be like dad eating 8 pounds of food, or drinking 3.6 Liters of milk every two hours!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

growth spurt

I think I hit my first 2-3 week growth spurt, been feeding almost every hour these past couple days.
Mom and dad are trying hard to keep up, but it's very tiring.
I feel like that large lady in Slither...I don't really wanna, but I can't help myself, just so...hungry! mwahahahha.

ok who am I kidding, I love eating!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

wow what happened to the weekend eh?

well this weekend sure screamed by. I'm coming up quickly on my 3rd week, which is amazing, but oh so tiring. I'm feeding quite often now, and my poops are quite regular.

Mom and dad figured out how to feed me while in bed this past weekend which was nice because this way Mom doesn't have to get up to feed me, she can just roll on her side, feed me, then let me pass out on the bed.

I'm going through about 10-12 diapers a day, and going on 160+ diapers consumed thus far.

This thursday I'm going to the doctor again and they'll weigh me, dad thinks I weigh about 7 and a half pounds, hopefully I hit 8, so he can put me in the baby bjorn and carry me around. That way when he types he can use both hands instead of just one!

Diapers don't hold me very well, I manage to get them lower on me then I poop around them, or my kidneys output more whiz than the diaper can sop up. That's all fine and good, dad's very proud of my kidneys.

I had a pretty red diaper rash this past weekend which sent dad and Uncle Eric on an expedition to find the best cream. Dad's applying it at every change and it seems a lot better now.

I'm getting ready for my first bath, dad is looking forward to it, given how much he loves baths too.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

oops missed a day

hi everybody

let's see what are my new developments:

Well in the last day, my poo started smelling.

Dad's excited about this development because it means that bacteria is growing in my intestines.
When I first came out, my intestines were never used before and were sterile, but mom's milk helps put in "good bacteria" into my intestines, and evidently they've reached critical mass. Now it's one big happy party in my colon.
This is good for mommy cause she can now eat more complex foods and not give me gas!

I also have helped mommy and daddy establish a sleeping pattern. Daddy sleeps from 9am to 3pm, and mommy sleeps from 3am to 9am, thank goodness for the pump.

Now I'm drinking maybe 3-4 oz at a time. Today I had a snack at 4pm, and i finished the 3oz of prepumped milk that we had in the fridge, so daddy gave me 2 more oz of formula. I'm such a pig!

I like to climb on daddy's chest, when he puts me seated on his lap i lean forward and try to crawl up his belly and onto his shoulder. When I get there, I'm disappointed, because, hey, it's lonely at the top. Dad sees this as a preliminary sign of my ambitious nature.

now i'm snoring so cutely on the vibrating seat my ON TV made for me, i look soo cute.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My first bottle!

yay I just drank my snack from a bottle. Dad fed it to me while watching 2.5 men.
Then he put me into a pot and took some pictures of me. With the bottle.

I haz meh teh Ginnuss!

Yay for not waking up grumpy mommy and me pigging out!


Monday, September 24, 2007

who needs sleep, really?

I think I ate something I didn't like last night and the night before, rather, something mommy ate and I didn't like drinking, because I stayed up all night.

I was just crying all last night, daddy couldn't figure out why, which was kinda frustrating for him and got worse as he got more tired through the night. Then magically when mom woke up and started feeding me it stopped. Maybe it was the Kale, we'll see. Today Mommy didn't have any Kale, so let's see if that makes any difference at all.

Regardless, daddy seems ready, having taken every opportunity to sleep today, he's set to stay up with me all night if necessary.

Let you know in the morning how it goes!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

blankets 0, maximus 1

Here is how my dastardly plan went down.

start my 2 hour feeding interval - now I feed every two hours, which I decided to start at midnight this morning.
Take that, mom and dad!

Stay up all night from 7 till 11, playing mindgames on daddy. Heres what' you do:
let dad hold you and pat you till you get all happy and close your eyes.
When he thinks it's safe to put you into the crib and let you sleep, cry like a banshee with a bad hair day.
Wash, rinse, repeat for 5 hours till mommy wakes up to feed me.
Note: Dad will try to feed you to keep you happy. Although this might fill your tummy, don't let this stop you from your intended goal of dad's insanity. You want him talking to himself, spouting off useless trivia to get you to sleep. That's his natural reaction - trying to discuss inane details of things. Silly father.

Or in my case, unleash all the stored up food in my diaper, which then leaks out from the sides, soaking the swaddle blanket, my socks, and going through to the pad on top of the mattress.

This will wake up dad when mom gasps at the size of the onslaught. That blanket won't ever be seen again. mwhahahah.

wow what a long day

i put in a lot of work today! I had at least 6 diaper changes in the past 24 hours, something that Dr. Lee will definitely be very happy to hear. He's another guy who gets excited and happy about my bowel movements.

Dad thinks I have my mom's lazy and prolonged eating habits - today I ate for an hour and a half, just sitting there while she watched food network. Good thing dad put a feeding chair in the room with the tele, so mom can watch, feed, and then pump while watching more.

I think my parents want to change my name to Houdini, no matter how tight dad wraps my swaddles, I keep finding a way out. Tonight I managed to do it in front of his very eyes when I pretended to be asleep. I kicked and kicked and unraveled the bottom, then using my arms split it open. Much to my dad's chagrin.

ok time for me to sleep now, one last poopie diaper check!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

doctor's checkup

yay dad's happy again, i gained 3.5 ounces since tuesday, going from 5 pounds 4.5 ounces to 5 pounds 8 ounces!
just 8 more ounces and I'll be back to full birth weight.

Mom's milk definitely came in last night, i've been pigging out like a madman all morning. During my 345AM feeding I spent 50 minutes breastfeeding, then dad spent another 30 minutes feeding me from the syringe the colostrom from the previous pumping, alternating burps and squirts from the tube, and then finally giving me a dessert of formula.

I cried and cried and cried all night from 4 till 8am, when they decided to feed me again. I forget why I was crying but I think it was because Halo 3 is coming out soon and I don't quite have the range of motion i'd like to have in order to perform well at CTF. Depth perception not quite there yet either.

Once again i'm sleeping on dad's tummy after my appointment. Dad bought himself a yummy, delicious 6 Dollar Bacon Guacamole burger which is growing cold on his desk, he can't move cause my head is on his tummy. I love being the king!

yay I pooed!

Daddy just changed me and guess what he saw? a little green split pea dab and some pee pee! He's so excited, he was waiting for some solid poopoos. And that it's changing from dark black to something lighter is great, he hopes to have some yellowish poo soon!

And mad props to mom, I think her milk just came in. I totally pigged out tonight, I'm totally stuffed! Daddy and mommy watched 4 episodes of 2 and a half men while breastfeeding and manually feeding me, I ate and ate and ate. But I keep hiccuping when I eat which kinda scares dad but he's used to it now.

I make all the same faces that mommy makes, which makes dad very intrigued.

Daddy's also very happy because he got to eat pho tonight, #1. Uncle Eric brought it over, dad was having massive pho cravings. I can't wait till I get some!

Oh and I forgot to post yesterday that I went to the hospital and some woman told me how handsome I was, even though I'm a premie. It must have been the cool, hard look of Blue Steel that I flashed at her. No one can resist that. You just wait till Magnum comes out, but it's sooooo not ready, I shouldn't even be talking about it...

When daddy put me to bed in the crib, I started crying, so instead now I'm lying on his chest snoring away. I'm soooo cute, I'll try to get mommy to get a picture for you.

It's hard work being a baby!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

my kidneys FTW

today so far I've ruined 2 diapers. I totally pwned them like it wasn't no thing. In fact the second one I peed through, soaked it, then soaked the swaddle blanket. Dad was really proud of me because he said my kidneys were strong.
I've been eating a lot more lately, I've done some good 40 minute sessions, and I sat in front of the window today to help clear up my jaundice. Daddy did the finger test on my forehead after his nap and it seems to be nice and clear.

This just in, I finished feeding and then I pee peed again! Yay Dad is ecstatic. Thanks to the doctors for giving him these simple performance metrics. Sheesh.

Daddy took some pictures of me, I don't really know what they are, but he's posting them up on his flickr.

Naptime, night night!

Hello World!

My daddy just helped me make this blog so people can keep track of everything I'm doing.

Today is my fourth day here, we went to the hospital to meet our pediatrician. He said that I looked jaundiced, and so I had to go through a blood test. I was soooo strong and brave when she pricked my heel to draw my blood, I kept kicking her but daddy held me and encouraged me with words I don't really know yet. Then I fed.

I'm currently 5 pounds, 4.5 ounces, so I'm underweight, having lost 13% of my body weight from when I was born. Daddy and Mommy started feeding me formula yesterday to try to get me to eat more protein but today they really turned it on. We also went to the birthing hospital to get a pump for mommy, it's one of those industrial sized breast pumps so it can help pull colostrom away and bring in the breast milk, which should hopefully start soon. Then I'll just go straight on milk.

I hit my diaper target for the day, 4 wet ones, and a little bit of poo poo! Daddy was very happy to see this (imagine that, a grown man excited about seeing poo and changing diapers). Evidently he thinks that this means I'm growing well and healthily. I dunno, I just eat and poop here. The algorithm for calculating diapers per day is

unless num_days_since_birth > 8
diapers = num_days_since_birth
diapers = 8

(daddy wrote that in Ruby, which is now his favorite language).

At my midnight feeding I started hiccups, which worried daddy severely, because he once had hiccups for a whole week, which was great workout for his abs, but started to hurt his diaphragm after a while. After checking Google, he learned that it's very typical and doesn't do me any harm.

I'm currently sleeping on his chest as he types. I look soooo cute.

Night night everyone, check daddy's Flickr for more pictures!
