Sunday, July 6, 2008

July update

a couple weeks ago it was super duper hot.

these are those pictures.
not much to see, just mainly me lounging around trying to stay cool.


So this past couple weeks has been pretty tiring for everyone

somehow I got sick last weekend, and had a slight fever all week.

This caused me to wake up more than usual at night, so dad and mom didn't sleep very well.

Mom had caught her usual summer cough, and dad's immune system was weak from the norcal fires setting off his athsma.

so dad caught my cold, and was in full swing while I got better.

Then I caught mom's cough, and still am a bit sputtery.
Dad's just climbing out of his cold, and mom's still coughing, but he's trying to manage as best as he can with me.

Great Aunt Goo came over this weekend to help out mom and dad so mom could clean up.

things I do a lot of now:

poop (yeah still up there in the ratings)
eat a lot, I chug about 8 ounces of formula each time, and I'm eating probably 6-8 ounces of solids at every meal.
crawl around - i started a couple weeks ago and I love being mobile. In the mornings I crawl around the bed and smack dad so he gets up to play with me.

by morning, I mean 6 AM.

i like to stand up a lot, and love to bang the water jugs we use. they make a cool sound.
whenever dad plays guitar for me i like to yank on the strings to make discordant sounds.

I think i'm going to walk soon so i can cause dad more grief.

and i definitely talk right now
i can say anything you want
as long as it's "bob" with a bawstan accent.

"bob go park the car" = "bab, go pahrrk da caahhr"

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